Daily Archives: October 25, 2013

How To Get An Alexander Technique Teacher Mad — Advocate Teaching By Skype

In the last three years, I’ve noticed that one topic has led to the most heated exchanges in the Alexander Technique world I know — teaching via Skype. That I thought this was OK was a major factor in the … Continue reading

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Most Of My Girlfriends Were Simply The Best I Could Do At The Time

I’m reading Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find and Keep Love and am struck by the description of avoidants as longing for the phantom ex or dreaming of the perfect partner, “one … Continue reading

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Brett Favre Admits Memory Loss

The DrudgeReport.com links to this story: Favre went on to say that he has started to experience memory loss, which has frightened him. “This was a little shocking to me that I couldn’t remember my daughter playing youth soccer,” he … Continue reading

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Why Did a Jewish Organization Give Michael Bloomber $1 Million?

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