Monthly Archives: September 2013

My Unrighteous Mind

In Antonio Damasio’s book Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain, he writes about people who suffer an injury to the ventromedial pre-frontal cortex (VMPFC) just behind the bridge of the nose. “Their emotionality dropped nearly to zero. They … Continue reading

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A Dodger Fan’s Death In San Francisco

A fight after a baseball game in San Francisco Wednesday night resulted in the stabbing death of a Dodger fan by a Giant fan. The 21-year old arrested for the stabbing was released Friday night for lack of evidence to … Continue reading

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Sara Hassman Asked To Leave Sinai Temple

Parental alienation activist Sara Hassman was asked to leave from Sinai Temple in Westwood on the Thursday morning, the first day of Succot. She’s had a conflict with leaders of the shul since the middle of 2012. Sinai’s head of … Continue reading

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Failed Messiah: LA Chabad And Orthodox Synagogues Sponsor Sukkot Celebration In Honor Of Convicted Felon Sholom Rubashkin

Luke: Accused child molester Mendy Tevel davened at Chabad Bais Bazelel over the first days of Succot. Failed Messiah: Synagogues including Baid Bezalel, Bais Menachem, B’nai David-Judea, Chabad Israel Center, Chabad SOLA, and Mogen David Young Sephardic stage a simchat … Continue reading

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Life In A Tribe

The tribal approach to life emphasizes your group over outsiders. When Jews are in trouble, such as when they were kidnapped for ransom in the Middle Ages in Crete etc, fellow Jews would rally around and ransom them while Christians … Continue reading

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