Monthly Archives: April 2013

Jewish Community Watch Keeps An Eye On Predators

Almost all of the significant efforts against child abuse in the Jewish community have come from the laity, not the rabbis. Assistant Los Angeles District Attorney Benny Forer writes: Dear Jewish Community Watch, I am writing this letter to express … Continue reading

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My Fear Of Abandonment II

* I tend to cling through hell and high water. Because of my fear of abandonment, I put up with more abuse than most BFs, so GFs to get rid of me, have to go bang someone else, at which … Continue reading

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Is The RCC Covering Up Its Role In The Doheny Meat Kosher Scandal?

Are the shul rabbis assisting the RCC (Rabbinical Council of California) in a cover-up? Does the RCC have any credibility left? What about its rulings that kosher meat bought from Doheny Meats up to 3pm on the Sunday before Passover … Continue reading

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Converting To Judaism

I’m noticing folks going through the Orthodox conversion to Judaism not only throwing away all their pants and only wearing skirts, covering up tattoos, dropping off Facebook, and severely reducing their social life so as to minimize potential trouble. They … Continue reading

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A Big Secular Vs Religious Difference I See In Jewish Life

I hear secular Jews complaining frequently in public about their spouses while I almost never hear that in Orthodox life. It’s simply not an acceptable thing to do in the Orthodox world I know. Why is this? When marriage/sex/food/drinking are … Continue reading

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