Daily Archives: April 19, 2013

Tamara Shayne Kagel Update

I interviewed the Jewish Journal columnist here. On his radio show Thursday, Dennis Prager said: “My most touching, no, the most dramatic example of this was the Jewish woman I had on the show because I write a column for … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Loves People

Whatever you think of his politics, Dennis Prager is a people person. He really enjoys people. He loves people. He loves meeting people. He talks to strangers. He talks on the elevator. I suspect he got some great mentoring from … Continue reading

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Seeking A Hot Chick Through Flyers On Cars

Growing up, I never wanted to be like my parents, yet as my first girlfriend said about my dad, “The more you try to be different from him, the more you will be like him.” She’s married with a kid … Continue reading

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I Did My Play Last Night

I am sobered by how difficult it is to get people to my show on emotional addiction called “Eroticized Rage“. About 15 people showed up, half were from my class. I’m sobered by how much work I have to do … Continue reading

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Differing With Your Family On Politics

Dennis Prager said on his radio show April 18, 2013: “Both of my boys are conservative but my extended family is overwhelmingly liberal. I have to tell you. I was back in New Jersey. I love my family. That’s my … Continue reading

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