Monthly Archives: March 2013

There’s Only One Reason To Go To Work – To Help God’s Kids

Awesome video: “I am the seat and the source of my separation and conflict. My ego exists to justify itself. Chuck Chamberlain hit me with something. I was getting ready to quit the ninth job I had sober because of … Continue reading

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Rabbi Prof. Marc Shapiro on the need for Kashrut Organizations

Date: 11/11/2003 8:02:00 AM Subject: Clarification Message: I have noticed that many people don’t understand the basic shitah of this website. With your permission, let me clarify something. Rav Henkin, who together with R. Moshe Feinstein was the leading halakhic … Continue reading

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Love And Loss

* I usually see a gulf between the stability of those women I date who come from solid homes and those who come from broken homes. Women with troubled relationships with their father in particular are usually a horror to … Continue reading

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Believe The RCC?

Y. emails: Luke, If you don’t expect us to believe the RCC’s narrative, whose should we believe? Rabbi Kligfield’s of Temple Beth Am who was quoted in this morning’s LA Times as implying that this is all about “power plays” … Continue reading

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Do You Want Turbulence?

On his radio show Mar. 28, Dennis Prager said: “I comport with the conservative love of non-turbulence. I am not bored by my society enjoying itself, by my society continuing with obvious fixes where things are broken, but I don’t … Continue reading

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