Daily Archives: April 13, 2013

The Orthodox Rabbi With The Comely Shiksa Assistant

It’s not uncommon to run into married Orthodox Jewish men who take pride in their comely shiksa assistants and they don’t mind letting you know that they’re tapping that. Why do they want you to know? Because they know, wink, … Continue reading

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Failed Messiah

Many of my friends in Orthodox Judaism read Failed Messiah but most of them loathe the author Shmarya Rosenberg. They argue that he’s filled with rage against Orthodox Judaism and that he’s coming from a bad place and therefore he … Continue reading

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So there’s this woman whose dad is a rabbi. When she’s on her own, guys flock to her and flirt with her and hug her, but when her dad comes around, they’re suddenly very proper and then they bugger off. … Continue reading

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