Monthly Archives: December 2012

The Dark Lens

I remember my Seventh-Day Adventist childhood at Avondale College through a dark lens. The following paragraph is 100% emotionally true for me but not always 100% fair and 100% factual. Breaking the Sabbath! Big sin! Whack! Listening to the Beatles! … Continue reading

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How Bad Would It Have To Get?

If you know you’re a narcissist, why wouldn’t you get psycho-therapy? I guess the pain has to become so intense that you finally seek help. Changing religions, geography, jobs won’t affect a deep-rooted problem like narcissism. While it may not … Continue reading

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I Grew Up With All The Signs Of Becoming A Serial Killer

According to Dr Phil’s signs of a future serial killer, I pretty much have them all (Kendra Jade was the first person to point this out to me, she had a great fascination with serial killers and read many books … Continue reading

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The Thrill Of Gambling

In ninth grade, as an outgrowth of my fascination with sports, I learned the thrill of gambling. I learned that if you put a few dollars on a game, it immediately assumed great importance in your life. It filled you … Continue reading

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Heavy Petting

Do Jews talk about heavy petting? That was an obsession in my Christian childhood, how very wrong it was. Then I left the church at 18 and I never heard anything more about heavy petting. Are children these days sufficiently … Continue reading

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