Happiness For Palestinians

On his radio show yesterday, Dennis Prager said: “”Happiness for Palestinians is a dead Jew. Not a new company. Not a graduation of doctors… A dead Jew, particularly a dead Israeli Jew, is the best news. A paralyzed Israeli Jewish child? You give candy to a Palestinian child. Is there any symmetry here?”

“I read these editorials that Israel has a right to defend itself, and then the rest of the editorial is ‘but’. Israel can defend itself but not effectively.”

“When you hear that Jerusalem is the third holiest city in Islam, you almost want to laugh. Is there a seventh holiest city?”

“For Israel to get positive reporting, it would have to die. Until then, Israel is the powerful one, it is pro-western, it’s governed by a conservative, and these are all bad things.”

“The Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph? We get more stories about America from them than from American newspapers.”

“Few marriages are going along fine and then there’s an infidelity and it’s over.”

“The day after the elections, we didn’t have a male-female hour. I was too depressed.”

“If a man doesn’t feel that household chores don’t make him feel masculine, why would a wife knock that? Doesn’t she want her husband to feel masculine?”

“When a woman dreams about her ideal man, does she picture him vacuuming?”

Men want home to be a refuge. For the homemaker, it’s her work place and she most wants order.

“I’m the only man I know who never got drunk.”

“In my late 20s, a bunch of young people in their late 20s worked for me. They said it was hard for them to believe that Dennis was as happy as he acts. There must be something underneath. We need to loosen his inhibitions. They said, ‘We want you to smoke a joint.’ I said, I can’t because I can’t inhale. They said, ‘OK, we’re going to bake it into a brownie.’ I said, ‘OK, bake it into a brownie and let’s see what happens to me.’

“I have a lot of the brownie. They baked like a month’s worth. It was like one part chocolate to 76 parts marijuana to test what Dennis is really like. I did feel it. I was in a semi-euphoric mood but all it was was more of me. All I did was talk and make jokes. They were waiting for all these terrible things to come out from my inner being and nothing did. I was just unstoppably verbose.

“The next morning, I felt horrible. It was a one-time thing. I was curious, what’s beneath what you say? And beneath of what you see is more of what you see.

“I’ve always had pain in my life. My childhood was not particularly happy. Once I got in my teens, I got happier. I don’t have a bright memory of my childhood, but the underlying person, certainly in my late 20s, a particularly happy time in my life, was what they heard.”

“I can’t stand marijuana. I can’t stand drugs. You have to get high on life. You should be able to get high on friends, on love, on sex, on music and art and travel. I always looked at drugs as a statement that I am jaded. I can’t experience real pleasure within life itself.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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