Daily Archives: November 6, 2012

For The Re-Election Of The President, You Can Thank The People Who Came Here Illegally

Over the past 30 years, the US allowed millions of people who came here illegally to become citizens (President Reagan signed this amnesty in 1986). They’re now voting for more de facto amnesty for people who came here illegally and … Continue reading

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Will They Put Us In Camps?

An Orthodox Jewish friend says: “If Obama is re-elected, we’ll be put in concentration camps.” Ridiculous, but typically bitter Jewish overstatement. You’ll see the same thing in the Torah. “At least in Egypt we had meat. You take us out … Continue reading

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The First Time I Met A Jewish Woman

In May of 1993, I went to my first conversion class at Sacramento’s Orthodox shul Knesset Israel. Because I hadn’t called ahead and interviewed with the rabbi, he promptly asked me to leave. My friend Michael then took me to … Continue reading

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