Monthly Archives: October 2012

Has My Blog Become Irrelevant?

A friend told me the other day, “Your blog is in danger of becoming irrelevant.” I told him, “My blog became irrelevant many years ago. I only blog when I feel like it and only about what moves me in … Continue reading

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My Objections To 12-Step Programs

I never held with 12-step programs. Sure, I was glad that they worked for some people, but I didn’t take them seriously. I didn’t respect them. Why not? Chiefly because of the First Step where participants admitted that they were … Continue reading

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Rabbi David Wolpe, Danielle Berrin Are No Longer Dating Each Other

After about a year together, the rabbi and the journalist are no longer an item. A friend emails: “I was wondering the reason your blog posts had become less frequent over the past week. I had no idea that this … Continue reading

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Can You Marry Your Niece?

Is this ruling normative Judaism? No! An Orthodox rabbi tells me: “No, it is not normative. He [R. Lazer Brody] actually has a great deal of influence on many people. It is one of these things which is found the … Continue reading

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Jews Tend To Feel Good About Themselves

Give a Jew a compliment and he’ll say, “Tell me more.” Give a genuine Christian a compliment and he’ll say, “Oh no, no, no, I’m a big sinner.” Here’s a true story from the classroom. A non-Jewish student tells the … Continue reading

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