Mia Love Vs Maxine Waters

On his radio show this week, Dennis Prager said that if you want to know the difference between Republicans and Democrats, contrast Mia Love (or Condi Rice or Artur Davis) with Maxine Waters. Mia Love is a positive happy woman. Maxine Waters drips with contempt for this country.

Mia: “The American Dream belongs to each of us. If you want to create a life for yourself, all you have to do is to get government out of the way. That is the only way you can have a great life and contribute to society.””

Dennis: “I have been to the last two Democrat conventions. And I’ve been to the Republican. The single biggest difference is that everyone featured at the RNC is happy. Loves American opportunity. Extolls the country and thanks it. The opposite is in the Democrat convention. The people they bring on remind me of Queen for a Day. People talk about how terrible life is for them. Look at me, I can’t work. I’m downtrodden. And all of us need more help from the government. Not from each other. Not from our community. Not from our church.”

“It’s depressing to be at a Democrat convention. America is racist. America is sexist. America deprives its minorities of opportunity. America’s only hope is more from the state.”

“Republicans are grateful for America. Democrats have contempt for America.”

“Contrast Mia Love with Maxine Waters and you then know the difference between happy and healthy and bitter and angry. The task of the left has been to keep as many blacks as bitter and angry as possible. The task of Republicans has been to make everybody as grateful and happy as possible. It’s a happiness battle.”

“Maxine Waters radiates bitterness every time she speaks.”

“There’s no hate here in Tampa. It’s a one-way hatefest. It’s left right the hate.”

“I am witnessing the resurgence of American values.”

Dennis says his book is the best-selling conservative book of the last four months.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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