Monthly Archives: June 2012

Prager University: Earning Happiness — The Moral Promise of Free Enterprise

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Federation Scratches Pamela Geller Event, Sparking Protest

From the Forward: L.A. Federation president Jay Sanderson, out of town on a visit to Israel, claimed to be unaware that the ZOA, a tenant with offices in the Federation building, was sponsoring the event featuring Geller. “We were unaware … Continue reading

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The Need For A Religious Jew To Talk To The World

An Orthodox rabbi writes an open letter to reggae singer Matisyahu: When your beard came off and your large black yarmulke remained I took pause, but your reassuring Tweets kept my hopes high. The pictures you recently Tweeted of you … Continue reading

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Pamela Geller writes: We live in times when those who control the establishment media and mainstream organizations are increasingly afraid of confronting the true evils of our day, and cowed by the forces of Islamic supremacism and oppression. It saddens … Continue reading

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Exclusive Investigation: New York State GOP Hired Anti-Zionist Advocate as Directof of Jewish Outreach

A man contracted to work on anti-Zionism campaigns within the past year was appointed as Director of Jewish Outreach for the New York Republican State Committee last week, The Jewish Channel can report. Additional controversial positions include advocacy on behalf … Continue reading

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