Monthly Archives: June 2012

What Would A Haredi Israel Look Like?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro blogs: I can’t speak about the haredi man on the street, but examination of the writings of the haredi leadership – and in the haredi world that is what really matters – shows that time and … Continue reading

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Journalism Is Considered A Sacred Profession By Most Of Its Practicioners

In what other profession would writing about your sins be forbidden? But if a journalist confesses to breaking journalistic norms about three decades earlier, that is scandal. Weird. Poynter writes:  Jeff Meade’s boastful column in the Monroe, Mich., Evening News about … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: ‘If You Worry About Your Reputation, You Will Be Liberal’

On his radio show yesterday, Dennis Prager said: “In John Roberts, we have someone who was more concerned in this decision with the reputation of the court than with doing the right thing.” “To have gone against the obvious understanding … Continue reading

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A Guide For Jews To Roman Catholicism

A Jewish friend asked me for a book recommendation for learning about Roman Catholicism (not to convert herself but to understand some of those around her). I replied: I was raised a Seventh-Day Adventist and heard 10x as many bad … Continue reading

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Drudge Report Gets It Wrong

I was checking my Blackberry about 7 a.m. this morning and the Drudge Report headline was, “Mandate gone.” I told people around me. We exchanged high-fives. A few minutes later, the Drudge Report corrected and said the Supreme Court had … Continue reading

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