Monthly Archives: June 2012

Did Barack Obama Give You A Tingle?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “The number of Americans who tingled at Barack Obama. The self-delusion on the part of every single person who believed in him is astonishing. He never did a thing for me, not … Continue reading

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First Reform & Conservative Rabbis Employed by State of Israel

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First And Last Images

Assignment: Write about the first image that comes to mind in your story. And the next image. And the final image. It’s June 1980. I stand beside the American River. Its currents run deep past jagged rocks, and I fear … Continue reading

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How Far Away Is That Land?

He sat with his arms folded across his chest, his hands gripping his triceps. And then when he stood, he quickly returned to that same posture. To walk across the room, however, he had to unclench, and when he got … Continue reading

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Do I Need To Radically Change?

I had this great therapist. I respected him so much. After about 18 months of work together and after my blogging kept tripping me up and stopping me from getting along with my various communities, he said to me, “I … Continue reading

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