Daily Archives: March 20, 2012

Why Is Luke Not Married?

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, On the last Torah Talks at the end you asked, “Why am I not married?” Obviously, you were bouncing off the obscenity comedy that you were advancing prior to the question. I don’t know whether … Continue reading

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Is Religion Just About Sex and Guns?

Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky writes: “When a candidate runs as a devoutly religious person, what kinds of public positions does he or she take? In the political contest playing out in presently, the foreign policy positions of the devoutly religious are … Continue reading

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Does A Jew Need To Earn His Beard?

I was taken aback a few years ago when I had a beard when an old woman told me I had to earn the right to have a beard and I clearly had not. I thought it was clearly the … Continue reading

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Why the NAACP Went to Geneva

Dennis Prager writes: The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the NAACP, has gone to the United Nations — specifically the U.N. Human Rights Council — for, in the words of USA Today, “help battling what the organization … Continue reading

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Jews Rarely Have Open Casket Funerals

I grew up a goy, a Seventh-Day Adventist. It was not until I came to America at age 11 that I went to funerals with open caskets. In a 2010 lecture titled “R. Avraham Shapiro” for Torah in Motion, professor … Continue reading

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