Monthly Archives: March 2012

Did Dennis Prager Fear Nuclear War?

On his show Mar. 24, 2012, Dennis said: “Did I ever think during the Cold War that a hot war was inevitable? Never. Not for a day. I was young during the Cuban Missile Crisis. I had zero fear.” “I … Continue reading

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When Do You End A Friendship?

When your friend hurts you out of malice, said Dennis Prager on his radio show today. Even if it is not intended, is it regular? “Through our mid-thirties, Joseph Telushkin and I were inseperable. We were together almost every day … Continue reading

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Most Of The People Voting In GOP Primaries Are White

Ronald Brownstein writes: The conditions are converging for another presidential election that will sharply divide the country along racial lines, with troubling implications no matter which side prevails. From one direction, the Republican presidential primaries have witnessed an epic failure … Continue reading

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How The Alexander Technique Can Help With Menstrual Cramps

A lot of women feel cramping in their stomach when they’re on their period. In this video, Marjorie Barstow helps a woman move out of the unnecessary clenching that exacerbates such pain: I get so impatient watching these slow-moving Marjorie … Continue reading

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Correct Your Posture With Alexander Technique

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