Daily Archives: February 23, 2012

The Alexander Technique and Efficient Breathing

“Robert Rickover talks with Dr. John H. M. Austin, MD, Professor Emeritus of Radiology at the Columbia University Medical Center and internationally known chest radiologist about a study he conducted with the late Pearl Ausubel, an Alexander Technique teacher in … Continue reading

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Tom Wolfe’s New Novel Comes Out Oct. 23

Back to Blood gets this description on Amazon.com: “As a police launch speeds across Miami’s Biscayne Bay-with officer Nestor Camacho on board-Tom Wolfe is off and running. Into the feverous landscape of the city, he introduces the Cuban mayor, the … Continue reading

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LA’s Mayor Villaraigosa Headed For Higher Office?

Mickey Kaus tweets: So without Luke Ford, Villaraigosa wld be considered a success? NYT leaves that impression. Villaraigosa’s “national stage” is ceremonial Obama job. He ain’t about to be elected 2 “bigger” office. Nagourney going w/ the hype program.

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