Monthly Archives: February 2012

Journalism Is Rarely Sexy

I’ve spent most of my adult life mixing with journalists and the number of objectively sexy female journalists I’ve met are few. When I talk to men in the profession, they tell me my experience is not rare. Female journalists … Continue reading

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Eyal Press Considers Courage in ‘Beautiful Souls’

Mark Oppenheimer writes in the New York Times about a new book: Paul Grüninger was a state police officer in St. Gallen, in northeast Switzerland, who voted conservative and sang in the church choir. He was not a worldly man, … Continue reading

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How the Alexander Technique can help Premature and Brain-Injured Babies

“Jennifer Kellow, an Alexander Technique teacher and Registered Nurse in Jersey City, New Jersey, talks about her work with with premature and brain-injured babies.” Jennifer: “When I was learning Alexander Technique, I was working as a nurse in newborn intensive … Continue reading

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Is Marriage A Civil Right?

Jonathan Capehart, a leftist gay columnist at the Washington Post, said to Chris Christie this morning on MSNBC: “You support putting the civil rights of a minority up for a public referendum…” Dennis Prager on the radio today: “So redefining … Continue reading

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Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Vs Canadian TV Host Michael Coren

Rabbi Boteach is taking a lot of offense of late. At LimmudLA, he stormed out of one of his sessions (on his book Kosher Jesus) after 10 minutes because he was asked by a volunteer to keep the noise level … Continue reading

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