Monthly Archives: February 2012

The Tom Brady Slouch

It looked like Tom Brady badly needed some Alexander Technique after he lost his second Super Bowl to the Giants. You can’t feel bad unless you tighten your neck. The emotions of sadness, rage, disgust, contempt are not accessible to … Continue reading

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If You Won’t Let The Free Market Work, You’ll Have To Wait In Line

The New York Times reports today: New York has been among the most aggressive states in trying to protect homeowners from foreclosure, granting new legal protections and turning courts across the state into teeming negotiation centers working to keep people … Continue reading

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Torah Talk! Parashat Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23)

I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs Mondays at 7:00 pm PST on my cam and on YouTube. Facebook Fan Page. This week we study Parashat Yitro (Exodus 18:1-20:23). * Do Jews take up too much space on the … Continue reading

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Big Government, Big Religion

From Dennis Prager today: “The Catholic Church has sided with the big government positions for years. Now they are reaping what they have sown as the Obama Administration tells them what they can do with their hospitals.” Ross Douthat writes … Continue reading

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The Latest Ultra-Orthodox Gender Segregation Efforts; Janeane Garofalo Plays a Russian Jew

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