Daily Archives: December 21, 2011

The Fierce Struggle For Purity

Today is the first day of Hanukkah, a minor eight-day Jewish holiday that gets a lot of press because it falls near the end of the Western calendar year and is thought of by the goyim as the Jews’ version … Continue reading

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I Sometimes Push Too Far

I’ve been getting into squats the last few weeks. I heard they were good for you. The other day while talking with a friend, I did a ton of squats. A little while later, my left knee started bothering me. … Continue reading

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I Even Taught The Rabbi’s Girlfriend!

Though Alexander Technique is traditionally taught hands-on, it does not have to include contact. Marj Barstow pioneered the group teaching of the Technique and many people in her groups got little or no hands-on work. She primarily appealed to their … Continue reading

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Alexander Technique For Men

I think there are two female Alexander Technique teachers for every male teacher and the organized Alexander world (AMSAT, ATI) is disproportionately female led. I find myself often teaching differently to men than to women. With my more sensitive students, … Continue reading

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