Daily Archives: December 14, 2011

Stupid Things People Tell Themselves To Feel Better

On his radio show Dec. 9, 2011, Dennis Prager said: “Christopher Hitchens has stopped making the announcement, ‘Whatever doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.’” “I should do an article taking on these irrational sayings. People say these things to comfort … Continue reading

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Criticize Blacks And You’re A Racist

On his radio show Dec. 12, Dennis Prager: “As a white person, may I say that most conservative whites believe that a great majority of blacks think this country is a racist cesspool. If they don’t, then everyone who speaks … Continue reading

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Observant Jews In Particular Should Not Talk On Their Cell Phones While Driving

Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky writes: “As halachikly observant Jews, we go to great lengths to lower our risk of sinning. We do not climb trees on Shabbat lest we inadvertently violate Shabbat by breaking a branch. Many of us do not … Continue reading

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Naomi Ragen Addresses Her Plagiarism Conviction

Naomi Ragen emails her list: Dear Friends, I wanted you to hear this from me. As some of you may have heard, for the last few years I have been hounded by two haredi women authors who have sued me … Continue reading

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