Monthly Archives: November 2011

The Rav Was Not A Zionist?

Marc B. Shapiro writes: To give one example of his many polemics, readers of the journal will never forget how he targeted R. Elya Svei. Yet he wouldn’t mention him by name. Instead, and as a way to show how … Continue reading

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I’m Souring On Newt Gingrich

The past couple of weeks, I’ve felt a surge of affection for Newt Gingrich. I know he’s an egomaniac who’d probably be a terrible president, but I felt an urge to vote for him anyway. Then last night he said … Continue reading

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If God Creates Matches, Why Do We Need JDate?

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My Friends Want To Set Me Up With ‘Age Appropriate’ Women

I’ve got nothing against women my own age. I just don’t want to date them. Many 45-year old women are great mothers and accountants and lawyers and the like. I respect their work but I don’t want to get snuggly … Continue reading

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Jodie Mendelson: Diaspora Kibbutzim for Wandering Jews

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