Monthly Archives: October 2011

Life Is Brand New!

I left my home of over 14 years Sunday. It was shattering. I felt sad and helpless. I felt tired and sweaty. My back hurt. I had great trepidation about the future. I drove a few blocks to crash in … Continue reading

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Herman Cain Is For Real

Joe emails: To understand why Herman Cain is “for real” you have to watch this video. It is the political equivalent of Jacob going ultimate fighting with the angel on the banks of the Jordan and essentially prevailing. As the … Continue reading

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I’ve Left My Home Of 14 Years

I moved into my guest house in Pico-Robertson in August of 1997. I found an ad for the place on a bulletin board at Aish Ha Torah. I was happy in my hovel. It was small, about 200 square feet, … Continue reading

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Do You Really Want To Become A Better Person?

I remembered how charged up I got about becoming a better person when I started listening to Dennis Prager on the radio in the fall of 1988. It’s been tough. My progress in this department has been spotty if at … Continue reading

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Rabbi Dovid Cohen Of Ohel

Source: 06/10/2009 by Staff Report The halachic adviser to Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services, which receives millions of dollars in state and federal money, told a Bergenfield, N.J., synagogue audience in 2007 that tax evasion is permissible under … Continue reading

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