Monthly Archives: August 2011

The Renaissance Alexander Teacher

I had a fantasy that I could move to Hawaii and be the only Alexander teacher on the islands. Boy, was I wrong. There is an established teacher there, Franis Engel, and she does it all! From Alexander Technique … Continue reading

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What Kind Of Rabbis Go Hollywood?

What kind of rabbis turn for help with their sermons to Hollywood screenwriters? Rabbis who are empty inside. If you believe in what you are doing and are burning with passion to transmit it, then you won’t turn for help … Continue reading

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The Smelly Building At UCLA

So in 1989, this cute chick takes me through a small building at UCLA (near the University Research Library) that I had never been in before. When we came out, I said, “What was that place? I have never been … Continue reading

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What The Rabbi Needs Is A Strong Black Woman

On the show last night, Rabbi Rabbs says: “I have been on the couch for so many [years]. Do you know how many psychologist and psychiatrist offices I have been in? I’ve been through every therapy. I’ve been through every … Continue reading

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Saying A Reluctant Goodbye To My ‘F*** You’ Beard

On the show last night, Rabbi Rabbs said: “I look at your beard as a ‘F*** you’ beard where you can walk around town and you don’t have to say, ‘F*** you’, the beard says it for you. It says, … Continue reading

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