Monthly Archives: August 2011

When You Watched News Coverage Of Hurricane Irene, You Realized How Secondary FEMA Is

Bill Kristol made this point on Fox News this afternoon. State and local government have the primary response to disasters. I suppose FEMA was particularly needed in New Orleans because so many people there were sucking on the welfare teat … Continue reading

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The Modern Orthodox – Haredi Split

Marc B. Shapiro writes: In Europe, every small town had a rav. Sometimes the rav was an adherent of Agudah, and other times a follower of Mizrachi. But as far as the townspeople were concerned, that didn’t matter. He was … Continue reading

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Must A Kosher Home Have Two Sinks?

Rabbi Marc B. Shapiro writes: Among my children’s generation, many kids believe that there is a halakhic requirement to have two sinks. Some of these kids have literally never been to a kosher home which doesn’t have this. If they … Continue reading

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Are All Standard Gums Kosher?

Rabbi Yehuda Bukspan of Los Angeles has ruled that all standard gums are kosher. Marc B. Shapiro writes: “I wonder if R. Moshe would agree with R. Yitzhak Abadi that all the standard gums (Wrigleys, Trident, etc.) are kosher.” The … Continue reading

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Stories About Rabbi Moshe Feinstein

Marc B. Shapiro writes: For another such story, see p. 20 where he records how R. Moshe told a certain Rosh Yeshiva that it was inappropriate for him to refuse to be mesader kidushin just because there would be mixed … Continue reading

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