Daily Archives: July 5, 2011

Why Do I Want To Become An Alexander Technique Teacher?

By the end of this year, I’ll be a certified teacher of Alexander Technique. Why is this important to me? Well, I never graduated from college. I got sick and had to drop out short of my undergraduate degree. This … Continue reading

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Freeing Sholom Rubashkin

Rabbi Rabbs posts to FB: A Jew was sentenced to 27 years, the largest kosher slaughterhouse was shut down, perhaps all because a crooked woman served as the judge, prosecutor, sheriff, appellate justice, and if she had her way, would … Continue reading

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Michelle Bachman And The Jews

Robert J. Avrech writes: When Sarah Palin burst upon the national scene and the liberal media attempted to destroy her, I observed on my blog, Seraphic Secret, that she was being transformed into a hated Jew. Each rhetorical bombardment against … Continue reading

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The Loss Of Privacy

Ziona Greenwald writes for The Jewish Press: Anthony Weiner is the latest in a long line of public figures caught by surprise at the unveiling of their own closet misdeeds. Weiner (and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the still-presumed-innocent Dominique Strauss-Kahn, and … Continue reading

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Do Open Relationships Work?

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach writes: Indeed, the argument for open relationships goes back to the beginning of time, its most famous modern advocate being the celebrated British philosopher Bertrand Russell who wrote long letters to his wife about his consensual infidelities. … Continue reading

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