Daily Archives: July 28, 2011

A farewell message from Rabbi Pilichowsi (Formerly Of Beth Jacob Of Beverly Hills)

Shalom Dear Friends, As all of you know, Aliza and I are leaving Beth Jacob. It is with mixed emotions that our time in Los Angeles comes to an end. For over seven years Beth Jacob has been our home, … Continue reading

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Bad Thad – The History Professor

Thad writes for the Huffington Post: I was raised by pot-smoking, nudist, socialist revolutionaries as an egghead white boy in black neighborhoods in Berkeley and Oakland. I nearly flunked eighth grade and finished high school with a C average. Then … Continue reading

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An Introduction To The Alexander Technique

Dana Ben-Yehuda, an Alexander Technique teacher in Mt. View/Palo Alto California, describes the Technique to Bonnie Coleen of Seeing Beyond on KEST Radio. From Dana’s website: Dana Ben-Yehuda is a Certified Alexander Teacher, M.AmSAT (American Society for the Alexander Technique). … Continue reading

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Are Ultra-Orthodox Rabbinic Policies Endangering Jewish Children?

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How Alexander Technique Can Help Negotiators

Ashley Adams, a union organizer and negotiator in the Boston area, talks with Robert Rickover about the Alexander Technique and it’s usefulness in the negotiation process. Ashley is married to an Alexander teacher, Debbie Adams. Ashley: “Alexander Technique is a … Continue reading

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