Daily Archives: June 21, 2011

Why Is Luke Ford A Republican?

Watch the whole show.

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Do Jews Have More Confidence Than Non-Jews?

Watch the whole show.

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Luke Ford: Lust For Power

I’m like Korach. Watch the whole show.

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You Can’t Observe The Sabbath In Your Heart Only

A couple of weeks ago was Shuvuot. I got asked why I could not come in to my Alexander Technique training on those two days. I mentioned first that driving was prohibited on holy days but said the main thing … Continue reading

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Rabbi Daniel Gordis – A Conservative Rabbi And Lightning Rod On Israel

I never thought much of Rabbi Daniel Gordis’s work (I read his first two books, they were snoozers) until he moved to Israel. Since then, everything I have read by him has been magnificent. He’s found his mission. He’s found … Continue reading

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