Monthly Archives: June 2011

My Crispy Oily Shuvuot Nightmare

For years during my teens and twenties, I used to live at 7955 Bullard Drive in remote and lonely Newcastle, CA, 95658. I just woke up from the following dream: About my present age (45), I was celebrating Shuvuot on … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Wants To Run For President

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “If I ran for president, and if I had the money, I would, I would be attacked as a kook. Right-wing nut case. “The dismissal is in direct proportion to how much … Continue reading

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How Do You Create Wealth?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager talks to Bernie Marcus, co-founder of Home Depot, about how wealth is created. Bernie started Dennis: “Bernie Marcus has done exponentially more good for America, more good for workers, than every single … Continue reading

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How The Welfare State Saps Character

Dennis Prager writes: While most American Jews and other liberals believe in the intrinsic goodness and moral superiority of liberal policies, powerful arguments can be made that liberal policies actually diminish a society’s moral character. Many individual liberals are wonderful … Continue reading

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Why Do Bankers Face No Repercussions?

You’ve heard about all the austerity getting carried out in Greece? Well, not one public servant has been laid off in Greece. It’s austerity for the private sector, but not for the government unions. Sounds like California. So far it … Continue reading

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