Monthly Archives: April 2011

Thank You For Your Prayers

Gentle Readers, I appreciate your patience and prayers as I recover from a pyrotechnic accident this weekend.

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Running From My Emotions

I tend to run away from my emotions. I don’t want to locate them in my body and I don’t want to name them and I don’t want to accept the message they’re sending me. I prefer to distract myself … Continue reading

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Tax Man

From Monday, April 18, 2011 Radio Show 20110418 – 1 Tax Man Prager H1: Today is tax day… At a certain point high tax rates become a form of theft…. Half the people in the country don’t pay income … Continue reading

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A Free Neck

When do I feel at ease? When I have a harmonious head, neck, back relationship. When my neck is free so that my head can release forward and up and my back can lengthen to widen, then I feel poised. … Continue reading

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How Do Chabad Guys Marry Models?

Most of the Chabad guys I know, at least two dozen, have smoking hot wives. What’s up with that? I know of no other sect of Judaism where the wives are so consistently hot. How does this happen? I don’t … Continue reading

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