Daily Archives: April 10, 2011

The Minyan Offers Human Solidarity

Rabbi Elazar Muskin writes: Author Hillel Halkin, reviewing the Koren Sacks Siddur in the spring 2010 Jewish Review of Books, recounts a charming story that he heard from his father: “My father, who prayed with great kavanah [concentration] yet was … Continue reading

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Knock, Knock, Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door

I met Sara from South Africa* in June 1994 at a Stu and Lew Jewish singles dance. She was standing by herself and seemed available. I just get a feeling about certain girls, that they’re in my league. Sara was … Continue reading

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The Hovel As An Art Exhibit

Assignment: Imagine LACMA is going to have an exhibit about you with signs up all over town. Title: The Hovel: Bedless Blogger In Topless Hara In the first exhibit, patrons will walk into my 400-square foot hovel, a converted garage. … Continue reading

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Dangerous Man Haunts Synagogues, Jewish Community Centers

The Jewish Journal says: “The police report says that the man “is known to frequent synagogues and Jewish Community Centers in search of charity from patrons.” Many of the people who come to shul seeking charity act like wackos. They … Continue reading

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