Daily Archives: March 16, 2011

Should We Execute Murderers?

Dennis Prager writes for the Jewish Journal: Last week, Rhode Island announced that it will release Michael Woodmansee from prison this August, 12 years early, because of “good conduct.” He will have served 28 years of his 40-year sentence. His … Continue reading

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Lindsay Lohan Turns The Perp Walk Into The Runway Strut?

Did she learn this from kabbalah? The New York Times reports: THE movie offers may not be rolling in these days, but Lindsay Lohan is camera-ready and intent, it seems, on parlaying the traditional walk of shame en route to … Continue reading

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Should America Intervene In Libya?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “I don’t want any troops in Libya or anything like that. If the French president and the Arab League wants something done and the United States which has the Statue of Liberty … Continue reading

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Ching chong ling long ting tong – Blonde Chick Complains About Noisy Asians In UCLA Library

Watch the whole show: The UCLA Daily Bruin reports. Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, I’m with you and Rabbs. I believe Alexandra Wallace is being discriminated against because she’s cute, white, and has the temerity to believe that UCLA is … Continue reading

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Sharon Rechter | 8 Habits Of A Highly Effective Nation – And What a Start-up Can Learn From Them

Sharon Rechter: Israel and successful start-ups have much in common, both small with limited resources, yet strong, creative, and very resourceful. In this short presentation, I will share with you what Israel has in common with successful start-ups, and the … Continue reading

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