Daily Archives: March 1, 2011

Reasons For Pessimism About Egypt

Dennis Prager writes: From the moment the Tahrir Square demonstrations against Hosni Mubarak began, optimism has dominated American reporting and commentary on what is being called the Egyptian revolution. I fervently hope I am wrong, but I find it hard … Continue reading

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Mashgiach Robert Frank Sues The Orthodox Union, Montefiore Hospital

Here’s some background to this dispute. COMES NOW, the Plaintiffs, ROBERT FRANK and BARBARA FRANK by and through their attorney, Sanford Kutner, whose new telephone number is 347-985-7777 and for a Complaint against the Defendants, state and allege as follows: … Continue reading

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The Hollywood Gay Mafia

The back issues of the influential magazine are now online. You can read Mark Ebner’s 1995 piece on the Hollywood Gay Mafia on page 44. Here’s more.

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