Monthly Archives: February 2011

Radio Talkshow Hosts Talk Judaism & Christianity

Brian Day writes: PASADENA – Nationally syndicated radio hosts and scholars Dennis Prager, a Jew, and Hugh Hewitt, a Christian, hosted a talk Sunday on the topic of Judaism and Christianity. The presentation, titled, “Religion on the Line – Ask … Continue reading

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A King’s Ransom

From Monday, February 28, 2011 Radio Show 20110228-01 A King’s Ransom Prager H1: Dennis congratulates the winner of last night’s Academy Award for Best Picture, The King’s Speech, a movie which he thoroughly enjoyed. Will Hollywood make more movies … Continue reading

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Human Flight In The Jewish Tradition

Rabbi Marc B. Shapiro blogs: The most famous example of human flight in Jewish literature is that of Jesus. As described in Toledot Yeshu, Jesus was able to use God’s holy name in order to fly, and was brought down … Continue reading

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The Torah Has Nothing To Teach Us About Science

Rabbi Marc B. Shapiro blogs: Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, whose prolific writing continues to astound, has recently said the same thing: “There is a difference between science and religion. Science is about explanation. Religion is about interpretation. The Bible simply … Continue reading

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The Eye Of The Storm

Dr. Marc B. Shapiro catches a story passed off as fact that never occurred in the new book by the rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, R. Aharon Feldman, The Eye of the Storm. Such nonsense makes me distrust anything … Continue reading

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