Daily Archives: March 8, 2011

Google Page Rank

I just did a check on the Google juice of various websites: Lukeford.net: 6 NYPost.com: 5 Tabletmag.com: 6 TheJewishWeek.com: 7 JewishJournal.com: 7 Forward.com: 7 TheJewishPress.com: 6 FrumSatire.net: 5 Hirhurim: 5 FailedMessiah.com: 5

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A Rabbi’s Take On Charlie Sheen

Watch the whole show:

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Jewish News

From TorahMusings.com: ▪ The Pollard Spy Case, 25 Years Later ▪ Food Justice and Flaum Appetizing ▪ Rav Nebenzahl: Call off Jerusalem food festival ▪ Survey aims to measure the changing Jewish vote ▪ Jewish Texts Lost in War Are … Continue reading

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Live Sex Show At Northwestern University

Dennis Prager writes: On Feb. 21, the 600 Northwestern University students enrolled in the popular Human Sexuality course taught by professor John Michael Bailey were told that if they wished to stay after class — it was clearly made optional … Continue reading

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Has Best Buy Become The Amazon Showroom?

From DennisPrager.com: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 Radio Show 20110308-01 Amazon Showroom Prager H1: Best Buy has had a tough year. Has Best Buy become a “showroom” for Amazon? Is it ethical to go to Best Buy or (any other brick … Continue reading

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