Daily Archives: March 6, 2011

Let’s Just Be Friends

When you meet a woman and you have a nice chat or two, before you know it, she’s likely to give you this, “I just want to be friends” talk. And if you put up with it, that’s all you’ll … Continue reading

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What’s Going On With Emek Hebrew Academy In The San Fernando Valley?

A source tells me Feb. 12: “Emek is getting rid of its two principals (Judaic — Rabbi P. Wachsman and Secular — Gabriella Shapiro) after this year. They are claiming that Wachsman is retiring, but the word around the valley … Continue reading

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Charlie’s Angel Bree Olson

I think people are worrying too much about Charlie Sheen. He’s in the company of the angelic Bree Olson, who I interviewed in 2007. I believe he is in good hands and there is no need to worry about his … Continue reading

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Does This Ad Give You Bad Thoughts?

When I look at this image, I think about Torah, but apparently not every guy is as righteous as I am. Telz Angel writes: It has been said that Frum Satire drives people off the derech. How wrong this is … Continue reading

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Three Orthodox Jews Work In New York’s Tabloid Press

Sunday morning, I call New York Post reporter Reuven Blau (Facebook). (My series on Jewish journalism.) Heshy Fried first talked to me about Reuven. Luke: “Reuven, when you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew … Continue reading

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