Monthly Archives: March 2011

The Rise Of The Muslim Brotherhood

From Friday, March 25, 2011 Radio Show 20110325 -01 They Never Stop Prager H1: In Wisconsin, the public service unions, having lost the electoral and legislative battles, have turned to the courts. They are working to unseat a conservative … Continue reading

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Rabbi Sues for Bloggers’ Info; Modern Orthodox Oppose Evacuation Orders

Click here to watch in High Definition (HD)

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How To Spot The Orthodox From Birth

We’re talking FFBs (Frum From Birth). Heshy Fried writes about how he spots FFBs in the San Francisco Bay Area: They come into shul late and immediately daven mincha without a siddur or saying ashrei first. They go through a … Continue reading

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Should Dennis Prager Run For President?

Dennis says he’s already written 150,000 of his next book (the case for America). “And I write tersely.” The Chevy Volt has sold 928 cars and the Nissan Leaf 173. “More people have bought my entire Bible commentary series than … Continue reading

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David Deutsch emails: “I had a great idea in shul today–you should rent yourself out as a “long-time Jewish friend” for celebrities who get in hot water after anti-semitic remarks. “According to long-time friend Luke Ford, Sheen is far from … Continue reading

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