Monthly Archives: March 2011

Young New Yorkers No Longer Care About Sex?

The New York Observer reports: YOUNG NEW YORKERS no longer care about having sex. It’s not the endgame, nor even the animating force of social interaction. Men and women still get dressed up, but not for the purpose of taking … Continue reading

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Alexandra Wallace Was Planning A Blog

The UCLA Daily Bruin reports. The Sacramento Bee reports: The UCLA student whose anti-Asian video rant garnered millions of views online and intense backlash appears to have had aspirations of creating similar videos as part of a blog. Shortly after … Continue reading

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Japan’s Nuclear Meltdown

From Thursday, March 17, 2011 Radio Show 20110317 – 01 Shame Prager H1: Have we been getting the best information from Japanese government regarding their endangered nuke plant? US officials suggest that we haven’t… Is there such a thing … Continue reading

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Should We Execute Murderers?

Dennis Prager writes for the Jewish Journal: Last week, Rhode Island announced that it will release Michael Woodmansee from prison this August, 12 years early, because of “good conduct.” He will have served 28 years of his 40-year sentence. His … Continue reading

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Lindsay Lohan Turns The Perp Walk Into The Runway Strut?

Did she learn this from kabbalah? The New York Times reports: THE movie offers may not be rolling in these days, but Lindsay Lohan is camera-ready and intent, it seems, on parlaying the traditional walk of shame en route to … Continue reading

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