Daily Archives: December 22, 2010

Would You Like Another Glass Of White Wine?

Greg Leake emails: Rabbs, dude! what’s happenin’ ? I completely agree with your assessment of the length of the show. I guess I did not express this very well. In a way I was underscoring your assertion that Luke pays … Continue reading

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Do I Feel Bad For People Whose Homes Are Flooded Out?

Not really. If you choose to live by a hillside, I don’t feel bad that when it rains heavily, your home gets filled with mud. If you choose to live in New Orleans and to not evacuate when there’s a … Continue reading

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Do People Get More Afraid As They Age?

“Yes,” says Dennis Prager in his 1996 lecture on Exodus 5. “It is not necessarily their fault. “I’m more afraid now of dying than I was at 20. I have a family now so there is more at stake now … Continue reading

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Women’s College Basketball Is Hard On The Eyes

On ESPN’s First Take today, Skip Bayless said the skill level was so dramatically different between men and women’s basketball that women’s basketball is hard to watch. The game is slow. The women can’t dunk. So many lay-ups are missed. … Continue reading

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