Monthly Archives: August 2010

Black Murders Eight Whites; Media Blames Whites

Karen Triggiani emails me this essay by Dennis Prager: On Aug. 7, 2010, The Washington Post headline read, “Beer warehouse shooter long complained of racism.” Of course, Thornton was fired for stealing beer, and there was video proof of him … Continue reading

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Aish HaTorah Los Angeles

My Los Angeles synagogue guide in time for Rosh Hashanah:

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R. Rabbs Needs A Date

Watch the whole thing:

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What Caused Our Recession?

On Dennis Prager’s radio show today, economist Tom Sowell said: “What got us into this was that mortgages started to default and there was a whole domino effect going through the whole financial system because people had bought these mortgage-backed … Continue reading

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Torah Talk With Rabbi Rabbs

This week’s Torah portion is Shoftim.

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