Behind The GLBT Movement

When I can’t figure out whether a person is male or female, it disturbs me.

I like people who are clear and forthright in their identity. I like Jews who are Jewish and Christians who are Christian and women who are womanly. I don’t like dating women who want to be men.

I prefer women who dress in skirts rather than pants. I’m a traditionalist. Men on top. Stiff upper lip. Queen and country. Advance Australia Fair.

Dennis Prager writes:

In his just-published book, “How Pleasure Works,” Yale Professor of Psychology Paul Bloom, described by Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker, as “among the deepest thinkers and clearest writers on the science of mind today,” writes:

“Freud claimed ‘when you meet a human being, the first distinction you make is ‘male or female’ and you are accustomed to making the distinction with unhesitating certainty.’ This is true for me at least; I get e-mails from strangers with foreign names and when I can’t tell whether the sender is a man or a woman, it is oddly unsettling. It shouldn’t matter — I have no intention of mating with them — but it does. When we see a baby in a diaper, the first question that many of us ask is: Is this a boy or it is a girl?”

So, then, why the “T” in GLBT?

Because the Left seeks to obliterate the distinction between men and women. This distinction is considered to be a social construct. That is why, to this day, despite all the scientific evidence (as if that were needed) proving how different male and female brains are, many Leftwing academics still argue that boys play with trucks rather than with dolls because of sexist socialization; and girls play with dolls because of socialization.

And that is why, on the Left, changing the definition of marriage is only worth a shrug. Since there are no inherent differences between men and women, what difference could it possibly make whether a man marries a man or a woman, or whether a woman marries a man or a woman? Or if children have two fathers, two mothers, or a father and mother?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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