Monthly Archives: May 2010

An Amazon Gift Certificate?

Tom emails: “Mr. Ford, I’m a long-time reader of your work and I am aware that you’ve gone through two different conversions and figured you might have some insight to my question. I recently converted to reform Judaism and for … Continue reading

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She’s Off The Derech

I interviewed a cute girl this afternoon about why she left Orthodox Judaism. Nataly Mor writes an essay on Heshy Fried’s blog FrumSatire about why she left Orthodox Judaism: Living in Brooklyn, especially in Boro Park, and being off the … Continue reading

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He Wants To Wear A Dress To Work

When you meet someone and you can’t tell if the person is a male or a female, it bothers you. I think Freud noted that you may remember nothing about a person except whether he is male or female. Yale … Continue reading

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Working Under David Mazlin

I’ve noticed that David Mazlin has young women from Israel working under him at his Mashu Mashu restaurant in Valley Village. I wonder how aware they are of his conviction for a sex crime.

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A.O. Scott

How pretentious is that? A. O. Scott. What kind of person calls himself by his initials? Only posers do this. I guess plain old “Anthony Scott” is just not dramatic enough for A. O. Scott. You can see it in … Continue reading

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