Monthly Archives: March 2010

Gay Rabbis Night Hosted By Jewish Journal

Why would clergy, of all people, want to go public with their sexual preferences? I am a humble blogger. I have no responsibilities. But you don’t see me tearing up the blogosphere talking about my sexual orientation. You don’t read … Continue reading

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When The Loss Comes Rolling In

Most of the time, I’m the happy-go-lucky moral leader you all love and enjoy. A moral leader for the whole family! I strike dramatic poses. I say dramatic things. I get into dramatic conflicts. I write out my dramatic feelings. … Continue reading

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The Startle Response

I’m reading Freedom to Change by Frank Pierce Jones, a professor of Classics at Brown University and a teacher of Alexander Technique. From page 178: The pattern of startle (which has been studied by high-speed photography) is remarkably regular. It … Continue reading

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Love On The Rocks

Psycho-therapist Donna Burstyn blogs: So what happens to a blended family when the family doesn

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Jewish News

From Hirhurim: Rabbi Avi Weiss backs off ‘Rabba’ title ‘for sake of peace’: link Should he be the last Chief Rabbi? (chalilah ve-chas!): link Latest issue of Jewish Action: link R. Steven Pruzansky: The Rise of Orthopraxy: link A literary … Continue reading

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