Daily Archives: March 9, 2010

Remembering Girls In Angwin, CA

One of the ways I classify places is whether or not I ever made it there. I only ever made it in LA, Sacramento, Orlando, Vancouver, Las Vegas and Big Sur (beside a cliff overlooking the ocean underneath a loving … Continue reading

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Reconnecting With The Ex

I chat this afternoon with an ex-girlfriend from more than 15 years ago. She met me (I answered a singles ad her mom placed for her on a Messianic dating service) when I was really sick and she lifted my … Continue reading

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Another Teacher Bites The Dust

I had one teacher in elementary school who was a greater source of fantasy for me than any other woman in the world. How traumatic it would’ve been for me at age 14 if one of my beautiful teachers had … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: Today’s Self-Appointed Chareidi Tznius Police Lack Support in Halacha

In 2001, “The Edah Journal” ran what it said was the first publication in English of a 1920 responsum (opinion on Jewish law) regarding women’s electoral rights by Rav BenZion Meir Hai Uziel, who was Sephardic chief rabbi of Jaffa … Continue reading

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What Can I Do To Be Saved?

I’m reading a terrific book addressing this question — Freedom to Change by Frank Pierce Jones, a professor of Classics at Brown University and a teacher of Alexander Technique. From page two: “For the Alexander Technique doesn’t teach you something … Continue reading

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