Daily Archives: March 3, 2010

Lila Says

More Al emails: So your review of Lila peaks my curiosity about the film and i go find a clip. I then leave the house to go to shul and the rabbi asks me to lead the service. I couldn’t … Continue reading

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I Tend To See The End From The Beginning


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Are Modern Orthodox Girls Just For Practice?

Heshy Fried writes on FrumSatire.net: They say that shiksas are for practice but if you really think about it, Modern Orthodox Girls are for practice, at least they are when you enter the world of folks who think that marrying … Continue reading

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Finding An Orthodox Wife

A young man converting to Judaism tells me: “The problem I have is that most orthodox women (90% +???) won’t recognize a ger (a convert to Judaism) unless he has an RCA-approved conversion.” I don’t think that’s true. Unless you … Continue reading

Posted in Conversion, Marriage, Orthodoxy, R. David Rue, R. Michael Melchior | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Finding An Orthodox Wife

Beards No Longer Markers Of Moral Superiority

Adam comments: “You claim to speak from a position of authority on judaism by saying “take it from me, i have a beard”… well put, but are you aware that theres a whole subculture of homosexuals known as the bear … Continue reading

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