Making Love Out Of Nothing At All

This is my favorite song.

Here’s a rambling late night conversation with my date.

I discuss about my dreams of playing running back for Bill Walsh and the San Francisco 49ers during the 1980s.

I talk about my favorite movie of 2009 — “An Education.” It’s about a 16yo British schoolgirl who’s courted by a Jewish playboy twice her age and distracts her from her preparations for Oxford.

The Torah does not recognize a difference between a 14-year old girl and a 16-year old girl and an 18-year old girl. They are all adults.

But the Jew in this movie is rather naughty, picking up this innocent girl and flying her to Paris, oy vey!

I get into an argument about whether or not Nietzsche hated Jews.

I bet my beard that Nietzsche was more philo-Semitic than anti-Semitic. If I win, she has to spend the Sabbath with me, going to shul three times (Friday night, Shabbos morning, Shabbos afternoon).

Here’s a blog post on Nietszsche and the Jews:

Nietzsche wrote rather plainly of his opinions on the Jews

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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