Daily Archives: January 17, 2010

The Powerful M.0. Rabbis Who Administered Shannon Orand’s Conversion To Judaism

There were two in particular — Rav Shmuel Eliyahu (Chief Rabbi of Safed and the son of the former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Mordechai Eliyahu) and Chief Rabbi Dov Lior of Hevron, one of the six most powerful Religious … Continue reading

Posted in Conversion, R. Dov Lior, R. Haim Druckman, R. Rafi Ostroff, R. Shmuel Eliyahu, R. Shmuel Fried, Shannon Orand | Comments Off on The Powerful M.0. Rabbis Who Administered Shannon Orand’s Conversion To Judaism

I’m Chatting For Haiti Live On My Cam

Click here to join the fun. SyNudelstein: Luke, what are you doing to help out in Haiti? SyNudelstein: I’m helping out by blogging about my feelings SyNudelstein: Luke, I think you should do a chatathon for Haitian relief

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