Monthly Archives: October 2009

Orit Arfa Given The Brush-Off By Millionaire Matchmaker Patti Stanger

Orit Arfa writes a fascinating and heartfelt blog post on a recent debate at Stephen S. Wise temple: “Hi Patti,” I said as I approached her. “My colleague at the Jewish Journal once interviewed you, and I thought I’d introduce … Continue reading

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The Most Eloquent Return To Conservatism Since Reagan

Dennis Prager noted that this is taking place under the most left-wing president in US history. About 40% of Americans now call themselves conservative. On all ten major issues confronting the country according to one poll, Republicans were deemed better … Continue reading

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On Dennis Prager’s radio show Oct. 22, Larry Elder said: "I never use the term African-American. It’s a term that is divisive. I’m an American. I was born and raised in Los Angeles… Obviously I have ancestors who come from … Continue reading

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Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation

I read this book when it came out. It’s a good read and a good window into post-apartheid South Africa and the World Cup rugby final that united a nation. Now it is being made into a movie directed by … Continue reading

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The Toxic Price Of Fame

On Oct. 22, 2009, Dennis Prager had Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on his radio to talk about his new book "The Michael Jackson Tapes." Shmuley: "You and I have had endless conversations about fame. You are very open about how you … Continue reading

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