Daily Archives: August 27, 2009

Lithuanian Jews Didn’t Wear Their Tzitzit Out

Rabbi Gil Student posts: The Jewish Press had a review a few weeks ago of Minhagei Lita: Customs of Lithuanian Jewry by R. Menachem Mendel Poliakoff. In the book, the author discusses the customs he observed in Lithuania in the … Continue reading

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Robert Novak’s Jewish Roots

Nachum Lamm posts: Wikipedia (I know, I know) tells us: "Novak’s parents had a Jewish background, but they avoided interaction with their local Jewish community and rarely attended religious services. Neighbors falsely considered Novak’s family to be Polish." And this … Continue reading

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Why The Housing Boom Went Bust

I’m reading this new book by economist Thomas Sowell — The Housing Boom and Bust. He writes that "the idea that lenders would be offended by receiving monthly mortgage payment checks in the mail from blacks should at least give … Continue reading

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Major Disconnect Between Whites & Blacks On Dogs

Skip Bayless, my favorite sports commentator, said on ESPN today: There’s a major disconnect between the way whites and blacks view dogs. For most blacks, dogs are just animals. For most whites, such as myself, dogs are part of the … Continue reading

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