Monthly Archives: August 2009

Robert Novak’s Jewish Roots

Nachum Lamm posts: Wikipedia (I know, I know) tells us: "Novak’s parents had a Jewish background, but they avoided interaction with their local Jewish community and rarely attended religious services. Neighbors falsely considered Novak’s family to be Polish." And this … Continue reading

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Why The Housing Boom Went Bust

I’m reading this new book by economist Thomas Sowell — The Housing Boom and Bust. He writes that "the idea that lenders would be offended by receiving monthly mortgage payment checks in the mail from blacks should at least give … Continue reading

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Major Disconnect Between Whites & Blacks On Dogs

Skip Bayless, my favorite sports commentator, said on ESPN today: There’s a major disconnect between the way whites and blacks view dogs. For most blacks, dogs are just animals. For most whites, such as myself, dogs are part of the … Continue reading

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Telshe Yeshiva College Falling Apart

The oldest yeshiva in America has a new administration. The Gifter family (which ran Telshe from 1964) is out in the cold. The powers now at Telshe include jeweler Jonah Sheinbaum, and rabbis Levitansky, Goldberg and Greenwald. Employees at Telshe … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Feels Little Desire To Gossip

I guess it all depends on how you define gossip. Dennis Prager’s number one source for items for his show is the Drudge Report, the number one news and gossip website in the world. On his radio show today, Dennis … Continue reading

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